Taming my Angry Inner Child

I do okay until He shows up.  He is my angry, street fighter 14-year-old self.  He shows up in a rage, demanding to be heard, insisting he is right, and demanding control. He wants to hurt and punish you for how you have caused me to feel.

When I started to be able to identify that 14-year old in me and name him as an entity that is separate from my current self, then I could begin to deal with him.  He is me from the past and is about the past hurts and insults and shame that I endured.  He gets triggered by things in the present but it feels like my past.  What do I do with him when he shows up? Read more

I Have been Angry at You

I have been angry at you for being who you are.  I have been sad for myself for what you are not.  This is not fair to you or to myself.  I need to shift into acceptance.  To accept you for who you are and what you are and stop trying to make you meet my needs.  To accept responsibility for my own life and my happiness, rather than expecting you to be those things.

I married you with the fantasy that you would be everything I want and need and that you would dedicate your life to my happiness.  You were supposed to be my happiness dealer, the well of my satisfaction, just waiting for me to draw my joy from you.  You were supposed to make everything okay.  Read more